[WD] The End of an Era: Blanton's Single Barrel šŸ”š

The streak that lasted over 1,800 days finally ended

Anthony Bourdain once said, "If youā€™re 22, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel." But what happens when your prized bottle of whisky, is cracked open and partially emptied from your checked luggage?

In today's dispatch, we're diving headfirst into:

  • The End of An Era: Blantonā€™s Single Barrel

  • Worthy Reads: Sampling some of the best from around the web

  • Rewind: Some of our most popular Instagram posts from last week

  • Cocktail: Celebrating the end of an era

The End of An Era: Blantonā€™s Single Barrel

Streaks are peculiar, arenā€™t they? They matter most at the beginning and the end, while the middle part often fades into the background. Being a top 100 search in any topic isn't a big deal. Doing it twice is impressive, three times is an achievement, and anything more becomes a burden. Enter Blanton's, the original single barrel bourbon. Love it or hate it, this bottle has been at the center of discussion and controversy, making both sides thankful. Few other bourbons have captured the essence of great American whiskey quite like Blanton's. 

Over the past decade, bourbon has transformed from an afterthought to a forethought, shifting our culture both domestically and internationally. In the crowded alcohol space, Blanton's has risen through the ranks like a legendary record. For five years straight, Blanton's maintained its top-of-mind status, outlasting new upstarts in the bourbon world, its own siblings (BTAC), and even rums, gins, and tequila. The iconic hand grenade shape and the horse-and-jockey topper have remained unchanged, captivating flippers and newcomers alike. 

On just the second time it cracked the top 100, it dug its heels in and refused to budge for five years. Only recently, when it dipped to the mid-60s, did it start to lose its footing, now sitting at 171. But letā€™s be realā€”no other American whiskey has captured the hearts and minds of flippers and newbies quite like Blanton's. 

Compare Blanton's to other popular bottles like Eagle Rare, Jack Daniel's, Stagg, and Weller Antique, and none came close. Stagg hit 78 with an average search value of 421, while Weller Antique averaged 306. Out of the 64 months Blanton's was in the top 100, 42 were in the top 50, and 11 in the top 25. Thatā€™s like your docksiders hitting those same marks without updating to conform to current trends.. 

As demand soared, prices followed. From June 2017 to June 2020, prices went from twice the MSRP ($55) to a peak of $166 in July 2022. Even with a 15% fall to $141, the bottle still goes for 2.56X MSRP. Cameos in flicks like John Wick, distribution contracts forcing retailers to buy a boatload of other products, and a halo effect made Blanton's look like a bargain compared to top-shelf options like Stagg, BTAC, and Weller - all added to Blantonā€™s strength.   

All this hype got us wondering: is the rest of the world just as crazy about this bourbon? The answer is a ā€œmaybe.ā€ The United States seems to have a special place in its heart for Blanton's, and the proof is in the $24 average price difference between the US and the rest of the world. Only 10% of US retailers offer Blanton's below $120, while 47% of global retailers do. And Africa, of all places, has the cheapest average price for Blanton's at $66.

As we watch the Blanton's era close, itā€™s a bittersweet moment. Itā€™s not about overpaying or missing out on roasting tatersā€”itā€™s about the fact that we didnā€™t truly appreciate what we had. Blanton's carried the torch for American whiskey for a long time, opening doors that few others could. Now, itā€™s time for another bottle to step up, with an iconic look, a memorable profile, and establishing a new category (e.g. Single Barrel). But so far, no other bottle has claimed the throne, and thatā€™s a shame. 

Perhaps it is a bit like seeing a forest regenerate after a wildfire. Bottles popping up here and there as store owners finally are able to meet demand (and realizing the markup is a bit much). Sure it might take time but with a little bit of patience this bottle might become an essential in any respectable home bar.

Whatever the case, letā€™s hope the next king of bourbon lives up to the legacy Blanton's leaves behind. And in the meantime? Thereā€™s no shame in snagging a bottle or two at MSRP if you can find it. Anyone want to go in on a shipping container deal from Africa? 

šŸ“° Worthy Whiskey News (a.k.a. our favorite reads)

šŸ“øRewind: A selection of our most popular IG Posts

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A Fiery Farewell to the KingšŸ§Ø

A salute to what seems like an impossible streak to break - congrats Blantonā€™s!

Source: Fremontmischief.com


  • 2 ounces Blantonā€™s Single Barrel Bourbon

  • 1/4 ounce Side Track Nocino Walnut Liqueur

  • 10 drops Addition Bitters ā€“ Allspice bitters

For flaming garnish:

  • 1 whole cinnamon stick

  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary

  • 2 ā€“ 4 ounces 190 proof spirit like Everclear to soak the herbs


Place bourbon, nocino and bitters in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Place a large ice cube in a rocks glass and strain chilled cocktail into glass over ice.

Soak the herbs in a high proof spirit for a couple of minutes. Use tongs to remove (so there is no high proof spirit on your fingers when you light a match). Place the herbs on the top of the glass and using a match ignite the herbs. Let the herbs flame for a bit, then extinguish by placing a dry shaker over the whole glass. Be careful!!!

What a ride it's been this week, huh? Thanks for joining us on this journey through the world of good spirits at great prices.

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